7 Beginner Tips for Riding an Electric Bike

7 Beginner Tips for Riding an Electric Bike

Mountain bikers and other outdoor enthusiasts have been making the switch to ebikes because they can go farther, faster with minimal environmental disturbances. The thrill of adventure is undeniable as well!

Electric bikes are empowering people to ride farther than ever.  What makes ebikes unique?  Riders can adjust how much assistance they need, depending on their fitness level at any given moment.  If it feels too easy or difficult (or anywhere in between), the level of assist option gives riders complete control over their riding experience.  This makes ebikes very attractive to riders, giving them the ability to ride their bikes longer and explore new areas that would otherwise be inaccessible without two wheels!

Riding an ebike is fairly similar to riding a traditional bike, with some important differences.  Because electric bikes are typically heavier than regular bikes (because of the motors), these bikes handle differently from regular bikes. It is important to familiarize yourself with your bike's weight and power before heading out.

When you ride, remember to:

1. Always Check Your Bike to Make Sure It's Safe to Ride.  Before you ride your ebike, inspect it thoroughly.  Clean the chain and brush off any dirt.  Check the charge, and the battery's connection.  Don't forget to inflate the tires, and test the brakes.

2. Understanding and Testing Your Brakes (Again).  Electric bikes are heavier than traditional bikes and require more of your attention on braking.  When moving at higher speeds, it will take longer for a heavier bike to slow down.  When braking, riders should allow extra time.  Before your ride, it’s essential to understand how the brakes feel, and which brake lever does what.

3. Practice.  Begin by riding your ebike in an area with very little traffic, preferably with small inclines, and a lot of space.  To get a feel for the weight and balance of the ebike, ride it without power.  It is important to practice starting, stopping, and emergency braking techniques so you understand how your bike performs.  Practice steering and navigating turns around obstacles so that you get comfortable with your bike's handling.  Maneuvers should be practiced with the power off, and then again with increasing levels of assistance from the motor.  Finally, after you’ve mastered the basic functions of your electric bicycle, spend some time practicing the shifting.  Be sure to know how to change gears on your ebike under all conditions.  If you’re unsure, check the owner’s manual or tutorial videos. 

4. Be Safe.  When you ride your ebike, make sure to wear a helmet, and high-vis clothing.  It's also recommended that when out at night, or during low light conditions (such as early morning), riders should have lights on their bikes so they can be seen by other vehicles.

5. Power Conservation.  It's important to monitor your battery life and how much assist is being used.  You will drain your battery more quickly if you make frequent starts and stops, or use higher levels of assist.

6. Take Your Time.  Starting slow is essential for a couple of reasons. You'll be more comfortable with your bike at lower speeds.  Second, there are laws and regulations involving the use of ebikes.  Be sure to familiarize yourself with The Three Classes of Electric Bikes and your local laws and regulations before riding your bike. 

7.  Start Riding! Once you’re comfortable, go have some fun! 

We hope these quick tips will help you get started with your new ebike.

Our bikes will help you to get out and explore as you’ve never done before! With a wide range of models available from entry-level road bikes to high end mountain bikes we have something that's perfect for any type of ride!

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